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Second Week of Lent 2023

Purple tulips with a 'hidden' Mildmay logo

Transfiguration, Albrecht Altdorfer (German, ca. 1480-1538)

This week I would like to reflect on bits and pieces I have picked up from Sunday's gospel reading which is called 'The Transfiguration'.

We are told in this story that Peter, James and John witnessed their friend Jesus in glory, accompanied by Moses and Elijah. They hardly know what to do. Perhaps we should stay here, Peter suggests in bewilderment, and build shelters.

However, life isn't like that, they have to leave the mountain just as we need to get on with living our lives, but we can choose to live differently. Is change possible?

Can our circumstances change? Can we, ourselves, change? Indeed, can the world change?

Image credit: https://www.flickr.com/people/28496558@N02
Mount Tabor is the site of the transfiguration of Jesus in the Christian tradition

Transfigurations are moments of transformation, of change in our lives, changes which call us to greater sensitivity to others, moments of transfiguration which carry us beyond ourselves, and moments of awe and wonder in which we encounter God in a powerful way.

Since opening our doors at Mildmay to those without permanent shelter, we have heard inspirational, real stories of courage amid ‘life-is-stacked-against-us’ experiences. We are privy to hearing about the times it has felt for people that there seems to be no way out.

A man sitting in the Mildmay chapel
Mildmay chapel

Lo and behold, many lift themselves out of despair when sharing in our sacred space, in our chapel, sharing with each other. May this Lent be a 'sanctuary' time for all of us but especially for those we care for.

Finally, we can cherish God’s gift of “transfiguration” moments, which remind us of the power of God to bring light to even the most difficult situations. May they strengthen us to actively live out God’s love on the ground, commit to building God’s kingdom, and offer his compassion and hope to all who need it.

Sister Bernie

Mildmay chaplain

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