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Our UK hospital

Mildmay is a charitable hospital based in East London.

Mildmay Hospital is proud to be a key partner of the NHS, providing essential healthcare services under contract.
Mildmay specialises in providing comprehensive care and rehabilitation services for individuals facing challenging life circumstances, in a welcoming and modern hospital setting in London.

The effectiveness of our interventions, our responsiveness to patient need, the safety of patients, visitors and staff, and the physical environment all remain our focus in providing care.

We provide rehabilitation, treatment and care for people with complex and severe HIV-related health conditions, including HIV-associated brain impairment (also known as HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder or HAND).


In 2020, we added Step-Down Homeless Medical Care and Step-Down COVID-Care Pathways, and in 2022, we introduced the REBUILD (post-detox rehabilitative care) Pathway. In 2023, we launched the Neuro 2B Pathway, a specialist neurorehabilitation service for patients after their immediate medical and surgical needs have been met.


We maintain a pool of expertise and knowledge that is unsurpassed in Europe.

Mildmay is only part-funded by the NHS for providing services, meaning that charitable contributions and donations are essential for maintaining, enhancing and developing our services and facilities. This additional support comes from charitable giving by donors, via legacies, church support, company giving and grants from charitable trusts and foundations.

It costs, on average, about £4 million annually (or about £11,500 per day) to keep Mildmay open (depending on our mix of patients). n our services and facilities.

Our NHS contracts only fund about 85-90 per cent of our costs, so we need to raise the rest from charitable donations annually to maintain and improve our services and facilities.


We are a charity providing specialist services to the NHS, not an NHS or private hospital, so we don't make a profit, and ALL of your donations are invested in our services and facilities.

Healthcare professionals:
Mildmay Hospital restores independence to most patients thanks to our unique rehabilitation programmes.

They often live in difficult social circumstances, which make their access to the care that others take for granted very difficult. Through our rehabilitation pathways, which involve nursing, medical and therapeutic interventions working together, as well as social and peer support, patients are invariably discharged in a better state of health to live as independently as possible.

Our patients often have both physical and cognitive impairments, frequently coupled with coexistent psychological ill-health.
HIV Pathway
Homeless Medical Care Pathway

HIV Pathway

Patients arrive at Mildmay Hospital in need of 24-hour care, with some being unable to walk or talk when first admitted.

Mildmay uses a trauma-informed approach to care, providing a range of therapies and medical care combined with medication and rehabilitation, which means that 85 per cent of patients return to independent living in the community upon discharge from Mildmay.

Patients from all over the country are referred to Mildmay Hospital and for many, their lives are transformed beyond recognition.

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Step-down Homeless Medical Care Pathway

Homeless man shields his eyes, at night

Mildmay provides inpatient care for homeless patients who have been 'stepped down' from acute care.


We deliver medical care and treatment to a vulnerable group that is in desperate need. This work is alongside our ongoing work with HIV. In addition, Mildmay is London's primary facility for homeless COVID-19 patients that do not require intensive care.


Post-detox inpatient rehabilitation care for patients who are homeless or rough-sleeping.

We deliver safe and effective inpatient post-detoxification, recovery-focused care for people who sleep rough, are in hostel accommodation and/or are at risk of returning to the streets.

Patients are admitted to Mildmay after being stepped down following detoxification treatment at acute centres in London like the Addiction Clinical Care Suite for homeless people at Guys and St. Thomas’s Hospital - one of our partners in this programme.

A person sitting by the Millenium Bridge being given assistance  by a stranger
New Mildmay Hospital after construction_LO.jpg

Prince Harry opened our new hospital in 2015

Prince Harry’s visit to Mildmay at the end of 2015 marked the official opening of our brand new, purpose-built hospital which replaced earlier buildings.

Harry also visited Mildmay to be interviewed for the excellent BBC One documentary The Truth About HIV, which aired in 2017.

In 2019, an estimated 106,890 people were living with HIV in the UK.

People with a late diagnosis are much more likely to develop severe health conditions. This includes HIV associated neurocognitive disorders, which can present with symptoms similar to severe dementia.

93% of these people are diagnosed and therefore know that they have HIV, but around 1 in 14 people living with HIV in the UK do not know that they have the virus and are at risk of passing HIV on to others.

As people are now living longer with HIV, the number of people with an HIV diagnosis who are aged 50 and over is increasing in recent years. Two in five people accessing HIV care in 2018 were aged 50 or over. 

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Diana, Princess of Wales

Diana visited Mildmay numerous times and had a profound impact breaking through the stigma around HIV and AIDS.

"Diana, Princess of Wales was a great friend to Mildmay. We remember her visits with respect and affection and are ever grateful for her impact, her compassion and her determination to change hearts and minds."

Ross White

Former Mildmay Chief Executive

Today, thanks in part to Diana's support for our hospital, Mildmay remains at the forefront of HIV treatment and rehabilitation.
Photograph of Dame Judi Dench
"Long-term HIV care is proving more challenging and complex than we ever imagined.
Mildmay helps to bring new hope to thousands caught up in the continuing HIV crisis. I urge you to join me in supporting their work."

Dame Judi Dench CH DBE FRSA
Mildmay Patron

Mildmay prior to closure by the NHS in 1982.jpg

Our History

Mildmay’s origins stretch back to the mid-1860s and the work carried out by The Reverend William Pennefather, a vicar at St Judes, and his wife Catherine.

An engraving of William Pennefather

William Pennefather (1826-1873)
by unknown artist
stipple engraving, mid 19th century
NPG D11183
© National Portrait Gallery, London


Get involved

Whether it's by volunteering your time, sharing your stories, or buying something from our shop, see some of the different ways that you can help us empower people by delivering quality health services so that everyone in Mildmay’s care has a chance to enjoy life in all its fullness
ECG machine and patient

Hospital Equipment Fund

We need your help to purchase or replace important equipment that helps with the care, rehabilitation, and recovery of our patients.
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