Rebuild Pathway
Post-detox intermediate rehabilitation care beds for people who are sleeping rough or at risk of homelessness.
Photo by Fred Moon
Patients who are homeless or rough sleeping and recovering from substance abuse are admitted to Mildmay following detox treatment at acute centres in London like the Addiction Clinical Care Suite for homeless people at Guy's and St. Thomas’s Hospital.
Image credit: David McKelvey
Mildmay Hospital has a long history of providing individually tailored, specialised treatment and rehabilitation for people living with complex psychosocial issues and challenging health conditions within a supportive, compassionate and caring environment, and is a leader in HIV rehabilitation care.
Patients on the REBUILD Pathway receive support and expert care from a full multi-disciplinary team throughout their treatment journey, from initial referral through to discharge and aftercare.
Mildmay is a partner in the Pan-London Substance Misuse Programme, part of the Homeless Health London partnership.
The Pan-London Substance Misuse Programme is funded by the Department of Health and Social Care for SSMT&RG and Department of Levelling Up, Communities and House (DLUCH) for Rough Sleeping Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Grant, in partnership with the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, the Greater London Authority, and London boroughs.
How we help
We work to restore patients’ independence and facilitate their motivation toward recovery.
Mildmay delivers high-quality, patient-centred, supportive, individualised post-detox care. Our multidisciplinary clinical team has expert knowledge of the progression and treatment of disease, including disorders associated with substance (drug and alcohol) misuse.
Our multidisciplinary approach also addresses psychological and social needs, is sensitive to different cultural needs and is holistic in its nature.
Our approach to managing this service is evidence-based and complies with current standards and practice guidance including UK guidelines on clinical management, NICE and CQC regulations.
As an organisation, we are responsive to changes within national guidelines. The service is individualised, effective and innovative and underpinned by clear guidance and prescribing protocols. All patients participate in the development of bespoke, multi-disciplinary care plans*.
*Each patient is fully involved in planning their care, which is tailored to take personal preferences and individual circumstances into account and meet the specific medical and psychological needs of the individual, generating a sense of ownership.
"Our experience and expertise mean this pathway will make a considerable contribution to economic, social and environmental wellbeing across London."
Geoff Coleman,
Mildmay's CEO
Social value
We have social value embedded into our charity's ethos, with a long history of supporting and empowering marginalised people.
Mildmay Hospital was first established in the 1860s to support vulnerable populations in the most socially deprived areas of East London and later evolved into an independent mission hospital.
Mildmay was part of the NHS from 1948 to 1982 and is now a specialist provider solely to the NHS, we remain committed to our original values, focusing on empowerment, having a positive impact on communities, and celebrating life in all its fullness for everyone in Mildmay’s care.
Mildmay has demonstrated these values time and again. We have been at the forefront of specialised HIV care since the 1980s and, since April 2020, by diversifying our services to deliver pioneering step-down and intermediate care to people who are sleeping rough or at risk of homelessness.
Image credit: Leroy Skalstad
With a strong international reputation for delivering high-quality, person-centred specialised care for people living with HIV, we have broadened our scope to include homeless healthcare. We are committed to building stronger partnerships with detox and homeless health stakeholders to advance our services and positively impact the community.
Our funding
90% of funding for patients who are homeless is covered by NHS contracts and we depend on your help to secure the remainder to maintain our staffing, services and facilities.
Mildmay is a charity providing specialist services to the NHS, not an NHS or private hospital. We don't make a profit and all donations are invested in our patients, staff, services and facilities.
Help us secure the future of our UK hospital by developing our services for people who are homeless, so we can ensure equal and fair access to healthcare for all.
Photo by Jorg Karg