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Return of the... Chaplains

On entering our building after my third bout of lockdown, I was highly amused when I saw this poster, ‘The Return of The Jedi’, posted by management in the cabinet of photos in the Mildmay Hospital Reception area. I did read that "Darth Vader was brought back from the dark side without falling into the Emperor’s trap” but here the analogy falls apart as, thank God, we were not on the ‘dark side’ but, trusting in God and simply keeping ourselves safe and perhaps others at Mildmay.

As we inch towards normality after the effects of the Pandemic, we, the chaplaincy team members who have either been shielding or in lockdown, reflecting society at large, are gradually returning to Mildmay.

Here, as many of you will know already, in addition to caring for people with HIV and related illnesses, we now care for people who are homeless and endeavour to find somewhere eventually ‘to lay their heads’. With dignity and care which is their human right, professional support is offered by our recently appointed Housing Officer.

There has to be a three-week gap after the second vaccination before our volunteer chaplains can return and this is happening gradually. Our way of being, of contributing to the life of Mildmay has naturally altered to fit in with the change of clientele. We have also undergone staff changes and at first, I felt like the ‘new girl’. However, life goes on and we continue to learn from each other – staff and clients.

The Zoom Services, the times of which are posted here on our chaplaincy page, are continuing, as well as offering our lunchtime chapel services - if there are any who wish to join us.

If you would like to pray with us please send me (chaplains@mildmay.org) your email and we would be happy to welcome you to share this time. Alternatively, use the given ID and password.

Please know that if our previous clients need further support in finding a local church or/and a supportive community you are welcome to contact any of the chaplains at Mildmay.

Simply leave a message at Reception and we shall get back to you.

Bernie Devine SP., Lead Chaplain

P.S. Apologies to the original artist, Greg Hildebrand, and Disney. We hope they don't notice!

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