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New appeal: PPE for Mildmay in Africa

Updated: Jul 30, 2021

PPE for Mildmay in Africa banner

Today, Mildmay UK is launching a new special appeal to raise funds for much-needed PPE for our Mildmay teams in Kenya and Uganda.

We are taking action to address chronic shortages by securing our own supplies to ship directly to our sister charities.

Our healthcare workers rely on PPE to protect themselves and their patients from being infected and from infecting others. Current evidence suggests that people living with HIV have a higher risk of becoming seriously ill from COVID-19. People living with HIV who are not on treatment or virally suppressed may be at an even greater risk.

Right across Africa, shortages continue to leave doctors, nurses and other frontline workers (including our volunteers) dangerously ill-equipped, due to ongoing limited access to supplies such as gloves, medical masks, respirators, goggles, face shields, gowns, and aprons.

We are asking for your donations to help us purchase PPE to ship to our teams in Mildmay Kenya and Mildmay Uganda, so they can minimise the risks of COVID infection and safely continue their work with the most vulnerable and hard-to-reach people living with and affected by HIV and other related health issues.

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