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In the 1990s, Mildmay was called upon to extend its expertise to some of the areas where HIV and AIDS were hitting hardest – firstly Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya then Zimbabwe and Rwanda and later into Eastern Europe. Mildmay International was established to administer these overseas projects.

As many of our funded projects concluded, Mildmay handed over a legacy of work to governments or local NGOs, marking the successful conclusion of many of our international programmes.

Archive Of Past International Work

Boresha – Prisoners, Children and Healthcare Workers living with HIV

From 2010-2013, Mildmay Kenya and Mildmay Tanzania carried out ‘Boresha’, a bold multi-country project which targeted key vulnerable populations infected and affected by HIV in Kenya and Tanzania. It was part-funded by the European Union.


Before Mildmay started work in Rwanda, there was very limited specialist care for children living with HIV...

Ukraine / Eastern Europe

Between 2008 and 2011, Mildmay conducted palliative care training for Ministry of Health workers in Ukraine and training for faith-based drug rehabilitation workers in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Romania and Moldova.

Mildmay International Expands to Eastern Europe to Combat HIV Epidemic

Mildmay Paves the Way for New Programs in Response to Growing Need, 2011


Mildmay’s ‘Investing in Child Health’ programme in Zimbabwe ran from 2010 – 2012. It aimed to help 50,000 people infected or affected by HIV – many of them young children

A third of our population and all of our future

Report on Mildmay International’s work with children, 2011

Not angels, but the next best thing

Report on Mildmay International’s work with HIV-positive health workers, 2011

Stone walls do not a prison make

Report on Mildmay International’s work in African prisons, 2011

Uganda: Reproductive health, family planning and PMTCT

Mildmay Uganda offers a range of services to young men and women, parents, and families with newborn children

Uganda: Using Mildmay’s expertise to strengthen health systems

Mildmay has been delivering important HIV services and care at the Bishop Caesar Asili Memorial Health Centre

Uganda: Mildmay’s double impact on vital Early Infant Diagnosis programme

Mildmay is a crucial partner of the Ugandan government in a new and improved nationwide Early Infant Diagnosis (EID) programme in Uganda.

Mildmay Kenya: Safe Motherhood Project

Your donations funded the purchase of an emergency ambulance to support the 12,000 inhabitants of Mageta Island.

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