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Ukraine / Eastern Europe

Ukraine / Eastern Europe

Between 2008 and 2011, Mildmay conducted palliative care training for Ministry of Health workers in Ukraine and training for faith-based drug rehabilitation workers in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Romania and Moldova.

Mildmay worked with the International Substance Abuse and Addiction Coalition and Samaritan’s Purse to provide ongoing training for more than 120 staff and volunteers from Christian drug rehab centres in Ukraine.

The training covered basic HIV awareness and holistic care and treatment of people living with HIV. It was developed and led by Mildmay UK healthcare professionals who specialise in delivering complex HIV and AIDS palliative care and rehabilitation services.

In March 2011, Mildmay travelled to Eastern Europe to pave the way for a scale-up of the charity’s operations in a region in increasing need of an integrated HIV response.

Mildmay International, as it was then known, was planning to expand its operations in Eastern Europe due to the rising HIV rates in the region. Mildmay International's CEO Fi McLachlan visited Estonia and Ukraine to assess the situation and build partnerships with local organisations. The aim was to start making a positive difference and address the gaps in HIV treatment, education, and support services for vulnerable groups.

Image: training Ministry of Health workers in Kharkiv, Ukraine

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