We are honoured to add Ada’s story our archive. They have bravely given us a complete account of how they came to Mildmay and – with the help of our Chaplain, how they have progressed since.
Mildmay’s Chaplain, Sister Bernie says, “I think her own writing and pictures are amazing after what she has gone through.”
Here’s an excerpt:
“Hi. I am a former patient of Mildmay Hospital. I came to Mildmay after being in the Royal London Hospital. I’d been found near to the Tower of London after blacking out and with amnesia. They also found out I have skin cancer whilst I was a patient there. I could not remember anything since the blackout (possibly earlier) but my name, but I have been learning all the time and knowing more and more every day. When the ambulance took me to the Royal London, I could hardly talk, so I listened to people around me and that helped, even though I did not have much to say. Five months later, and also thanks to Mildmay staff and a television in the room, I have learned to talk to people – it is not easy and I still have lots of quiet time but at least I can do it, even if I cannot remember all the words I need.”
To read Ada’s complete account and to see her drawings, follow this link: