Mildmay Kenya: Global Fund for HIV Programmes

Global Fund HIV Programmes, administered in Kenya through the Kenya Red Cross Society, aim to expand universal access to care and treatment services.
The road towards an HIV-free society
The Global Fund aims to increase care and support for most-at-risk Populations and Prevention of parent-to-child transmission (PPTCT).
It increases coverage of HIV testing and counselling and pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) interventions while improving quality leadership and governance.
Mildmay Kenya is a sub-recipient of the fund and is working with Community Health Workers in Samia, Teso South, Siaya and Bondo to advance care and support of the chronically ill, prevention of parent-to-child transmission, HIV testing and counselling as well as enhancing quality leadership and governance.
Community Health Workers (CHWs) with support from Community Health Extension Workers and the health facilities carry out Home Based Care activities. These include recruitment of clients for follow-up, psychosocial support, home visits, referrals and health education. The CHWs mobilise clients and community people to attend outreaches targeting people living with HIV/AIDS, pregnant women for prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMCT) and men for PMTCT involvement. They also mobilise community members for home counselling and testing by health care providers.
Global Fund programme example activities
Reached 974 youth with My Health My Choice evidence-based intervention (EBI)
These are a series of dialogues in groups of 16 for 4 Sessions with 13-17 year-olds on reproductive health, sexuality, HIV, delay of sexual debut, effective communication with parents and behaviour change.
Reached 946 youth with Healthy Choices for a Better Future EBI
These are a series of dialogues with 10-12 year olds in groups of 16 for 7 sessions on reproductive health, sexuality, HIV and delay in sexual debut.
Reached 639 youth with SHUGA EBI intervention
SHUGA is a video based series that focuses on reaching 18-24 year olds with discussions on sexuality, drugs, peer pressure, HIV and risky sexual behaviour and how to mitigate it. It also provides life skills for negotiating for safe sex, HIV testing and referral and behaviour change.
Reached 60 parents of adolescent children Families Matter Program EBI
This EBI is meant to improve positive parenting and effective communication between parents and their 13-17 year old children on sexuality, sexual risk reduction - including accurate HIV info that can translate into delay of sexual debut. It is delivered in 7 weekly sessions covering two modules per session for 1 to 2 hours per session.
Conducted Health Care Workers training for 60 nurses and clinical officers on youth friendly reproductive health services
The trainees will then offer youth friendly services to the Adolescent we refer to their facilities and in turn offer services during our RH outreaches.
Conducted Peer Education Training for 63 youth from Bondo and Rarieda selected as Peer Educators
These are adolescents and young people Living with HIV who will support treatment literacy and adherence among their peers and offer Positive Health Dignity Programme sessions that have a minimum of 10 messages for positive living. They will also follow up the young people to ensure adherence to treatment.
We sent two of our youth group members for “Know your rights” training as facilitators
These are structured events that reach adolescents and young people (AYP) with information on basic human rights to include sexual and reproductive health rights, HIV/TB and the law, succession - especially for women and girls. These sessions are conducted by the trained young people and backed by legal clinics convened by A pro bono lawyer to identify cases for follow up and also clarify legal matters.
Conducted 10 “Know your rights” campaigns embedded within legal aid clinics to reach 431 youth and adolescents
Out of these, 5 cases were identified and taken up by a pro bono lawyer.
A total 1,444 youth reached in various AYP Reproductive health services integrated community outreach
56 girls were given HPV Vaccine
60 girls aged 15-19 years screened for pregnancy and 13 referred for antenatal clinic services and teenage mothers support group
1,444 got STI, Condom and HIV information
11 referred for STI services after screening
3 referred for further TB screening and services
938 tested for HIV and 17 referred for antiretroviral treatment initiation services and linked to peer educators for support
25 were treated for minor ailments.
95 girls accessed one-on-one “sister to sister” sessions and 69 of them got family planning services
21 were referred for PREP (which some facilities don’t have) – this is a facility based on one-on-one skill-based safer sex intervention for women that helps young women understand sexual behaviours, norms, beliefs, cultural practices that put them at risk of HIV and other STIs, giving them skills that help them reduce the above. This is done by a female health worker (nurse).
Siaya County
245 Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) engaged for home and community-based care (HCBC).
Reached 4,992 people living with HIV (PLHIV) (3,439 female and 1,553 male) with home and community-based services against a target of 4,900 PLHIV.
Conducted 8 quarterly health facilities review meetings.
Conducted 6 support group meetings for 150 PLHIVs to include adolescents and children.
Reached 4,522 people with HIV testing services, 11 of these were HIV-positive and were referred for ART treatment services.
Monthly data collection with 245 CHVs were held in both Bondo and Rarieda sub-counties reaching a total of 150 community health volunteers
Vihiga County
Engaged 150 CHVs for HCBC
Reached 3,098 PLHIV (1,947 females and 1,151 males) with HCBC.
Reached 2,970 (1,225 males and 1,745 females) with HIV testing services
18 People tested HIV positive and linked to health facilities for treatment.
Monthly data collection with CHVs were held in both Luanda and Vihiga sub-counties reaching a total of 150 community health volunteers (75 Luanda and 75 Vihiga sub-counties).