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Maud and Charlie Haynes


In August 2023 we received a lovely letter from Christine telling us about her aunt and uncle and their experiences at Mildmay

Maud was a nurse at Mildmay in 1921, but there is so much more, particularly for Charlie Haynes, who led a disordered life but underwent a momentous transformation at Mildmay, as is told in the booklet produced by the League of Friends of Mildmay Mission Hospital.

This is the transcript of Christine's letter:

"Dear Sirs

Following an article forwarded to me by my sister, I am enclosing a booklet and photos which may be of interest for your archives. Charlie Haynes was my uncle by marriage to Maude, who was a nurse at Mildmay.

The book, ‘God Lifting Men’ by FH Wrintmore, features 2 chapters about Charlie Haynes, a copy of which you may have, telling stories of the London City Mission.

The photo is of Maude as a nurse and one when Princess Alexandra visited and met Uncle Charlie – I have no date.

Should these be of interest you are welcome to keep them for your archive.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Christine F"


21 August 2023 at 14:10:07


19 August 2024 at 13:03:01