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Opening of our new Computer Suite designed to increase daily living skills for people with HIV assoc

Wandsworth Oasis open Mildmay’s new digital inclusion suite.

Thanks to a generous donation from ‘Wandsworth Oasis’, Mildmay’s new computer suite has now officially opened. Our computer training programme will enable our day service clients and inpatients to learn or re-learn computer skills.

For most of us using a computer, tablet or i-phone is an everyday part of our lives. Technology is an enormous part of the world we live in and we hardly think about how much it has changed our lives. With a few clicks we can link with friends and family, access information, order shopping, do our banking, plan travel, check the weather or the news – the list is enormous!  Access to the internet can help and empower people to live more independently and in turn grow in confidence.   There are also internet-based mind training games and assessment tools which will help our client’s rehabilitation and treatment.

For many of Mildmay’s clients this world has been closed down to them because of HIV associated brain impairment brought about by HIV entering and attacking the brain.

We realised digital inclusion had to become an important and dedicated part of  our rehabilitation work.

“We have been huge fans of the amazing work that Mildmay does for more than 2 decades.  We are delighted to have funded the Mildmay computer suite as it has a direct and positive impact on the lives of people living with HIV. As a small funder, it is great for our staff, volunteer team and donors to be able to see tangible results coming from the sales in our charity shops.” Gill Perkins Chief Executive Wandsworth Oasis

  “We believe this facility has the potential to make a real difference to so many lives. Mildmay are so grateful to Wandsworth Oasis who are such important supporters of our work.”  Dr. Ross White CEO of Mildmay.

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