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Mildmay at The Lord Mayors Show

Linda Robson joins Mildmay Hospital at The Lord Mayors Show – promoting their work Helping HAND and marking their 150th Anniversary year.

In spite of the pouring rain Mildmay volunteers and staff, headed by Birds of a feather and Loose Women star Linda Robson, joined together for The Lord Mayors Show in London. Our impressive float ( we weren’t the only one that thought so…honest!) promoted our work treating HIV Associated Neurocognitive Disorder also known as HAND- hence the huge green HANDs worn by the Mildmay walkers. There was plenty of waving and high-fiving the crowds and Linda could hardly put one foot in front of the other without someone wanting a selfie! Mildmay was also interviewed as part of the live coverage on BBC TV.



Diversity Choir joined Mildmay entertaining the crowds, making this the first time a live choir has ever performed aboard a float. This was a year of firsts! The first year Mildmay has ever been in the Lord Mayors Show and the first time an HIV charity has ever taken part.

“What an incredible day it was, the atmosphere was electric and the rain did not dampen our spirits one bit! Linda did so much to raise awareness of our work for people with HIV associated brain impairment, raise HIV awareness and in turn help to fight stigma. She was an absolute star and even travelled to the show by motorbike to make sure she was with us in plenty of time. There are no words to express not only how grateful we are to Linda but how impressed we were with her passion and dedication for our work.  Mildmay at The Lord Mayors Show was a day to remember!” Kerry Reeves-Kneip Fundraising Director Mildmay.



Contact Us Mildmay.org

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