Thanks to you all, we have reached 10,000 signatures on our petition to #SaveMildmay – in just 7 days. This is nearly 1,500 per day on average but actually the trend is for increasing numbers signing up every day. You are smashing it!
The petition, along with our campaigning on Twitter and Facebook, is getting noticed. For example, two days ago at a special event at the Palace of Westminster attended by our Medical Director and Registered and Admissions Manager, the All-Party Parliamentary Group on HIV & AIDS launched a report on their findings into HIV and mental health. In his speech, the Group’s Chair, Stephen Doughty MP highlighted Mildmay Hospital’s cause.
“This report has come at a pertinent time with the threatened closure of the Mildmay Hospital, one of the world-leading providers of psychiatric services for people with HIV because of issues around commissioning. WE CANNOT ALLOW FAILURES IN THE STRUCTURE OF THE HEALTH SERVICE TO GET IN THE WAY OF PROVIDING LIFE-SAVING CARE”
Our long-standing Patron, Sir Cliff Richard says “I’m stunned to hear that the wonderful Mildmay Hospital is scheduled for imminent closure. It has long been a beacon of love, inclusivity and understanding and there must be thousands whose lives have been turned about by its care, treatment and ministry. I gladly add my name to those who campaign to enable the hospital a further lease of life.“
More and more supporters, activists, charities, clinicians, academics and other influencers in the fields of HIV, healthcare and social mobility are backing us and adding their voices to ours every day, as you will see on our Twitter feed. Added to this, the BBC is planning to report on this story next week and we are also gaining coverage in the print and online media. We will report all of this to you as it happens.
We know that we have support from MPs on both sides of the House of Commons and that ministers and the NHS England Executive are coming under increasing pressure to try and find a solution to this situation.
The potential impact of the Coronavirus Covid-19 epidemic risks diverting attention from our cause, but by keeping up the pressure, we will ensure that we are not forgotten and a decision is made in time to save the hospital.
As I write this, we are already approaching 10,200 signatures this morning and soon we will hand our petition to Prime Minister Boris Johnson at 10 Downing Street.
Please continue to share on all your social media, and thank you so much for everything you have done to help us #SaveMildmay so far.